Osteoarthritis is not an inflammatory disease of the joints, in the observed destructive-dystrophic processes, such as lesions in the cartilage articular guided, ligaments, and bones, pathological changes of the synovial lining (membrane) and capsule of the joint (in the shell of the joint, is covered and that is the connection of the bones in the joint). Osteoarthritis feels pain in the articulation of the possible limitation of the mobility.

The causes of osteoarthritis
Until the time is unknown, which is the main cause of osteoarthritis, but there are a number of factors that can trigger the state of the joint of the modification of its structure and operation. Momentum of the osteoarthritis can serve:
- trauma (sprains, torn ligaments, fractures, contusions, penetrating wounds, of);
- static and dynamic load, related with the professional activity (in athletes, dancers, miners, and other workers of serious physical);
- obesity (which is a constant load on the joint);
- the supercooling;
- infectious diseases (tuberculosis, chlamydia, influenza);
- violation of the circulation of the blood;
- hormonal changes (pregnancy, the change of life, menopause);
- metabolic (treating osteoporosis (reduced bone density), arthritis (inflammatory disease of the joints), gout (deposition of salts of uric acid in the joints));
- autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus (a disease in which the immune system recognizes your cells as alien, and fight with them), rheumatoid arthritis (the immune system mistakenly surprised healthy joint));
- hemophilia (for the cause of hemophilia frequent bleeding in the joints);
- violation of the endocrine system (thyroid);
- atrophic change (perthes disease (the necrotizing process at the head of the hip), necrotizing process by which a part of the cartilage separates from the bone and moves into the cavity joint-guided, causing the death of spongy tissue of the bones, in consequence of which it is made up of small fractures;
- congenital diseases (dysplasia of connective tissue (the poor formation of the tissue), hip dysplasia in abnormal development of the joint), defects of the pathology is of the upper and lower extremities);
- advanced age;
- the poisoning (overdose of drugs, excessive alcohol consumption, drug use);
- migrated the operation on the knee;
- the sedentary lifestyle;
- the inheritance;
- the beriberi.
The degree of osteoarthritis
On the process of the defeat of osteoarthritis are divided into 4 grades:
Zero degree of osteoarthritis – expressed morphological changes are not observed, but the signs of the disease, already exist. There is a change in the composition of the synovial fluid, therefore, the nutrition of the cartilage deteriorates, therefore, its resistance to the load decreases. In the morning or after a long rest, still, point out the difficulty in the movement of the joints, but during the day the stiffness passes. This condition is called "launch-pad of pain". During the movement of the joint emits a cracking sound, but the pain during the movement are missing. For the first-degree of pain after a long and tenacious of the load in the joint, but the pain disappears immediately after the break.
The first degree of the arthrosis of the second degree is characterized by destruction of the hyaline cartilage. Begin the morphological changes. The x-ray shows the presence of springs of osteophytes on the edges of the surfaces of the bone. The capsule decreases. We observe a narrowing of the joint of the split (reduction of the distance between the heads of the bones of the joint). Muscle function have also been affected. For the second grade of arthrosis family continuous pain, the cracking of the joints, sometimes intermittent. Characterized by the appearance of "mechanical pain", produced by running, walking, exercises, due to the reduction of the depreciation of the ability of the cartilage.
The second level of the osteoarthritis of the joints and cartilages cartilage is totally worn out, seen extensive of defeat. At this stage of the disease sharply progresses. Characterized by the total absence of synovial fluid, acute pain, muscle atrophy, shortening of the ligaments, destruction of the menisci, development of reactive synovitis (inflammation of the synovial membrane, the formation of pus or accumulation of liquids, the increase of the joint). The axis of the limb of the deformation (X-figuratively and On the type of curvature of the legs). It practically disappears completely joint of the slit, deforming of the surface of the joint guidance with the huge increase of osteophytes. The amount of movement is limited or becomes impossible. Appears the sensitivity to climate changes (humidity, low temperature, high atmospheric pressure). The third degree of the osteoarthritis says about disability.
The third degree of osteoarthritis in the fourth grade of the disease the function of the joint is lost. Appears the phenomenon as a sudden sharp pain in the affected joint, which does not soothe drugs. Can occur ankylosis (fusion of bones), or false joint, which is not characteristic for him the place. The fourth level of osteoarthritis is evidence of the disability. The treatment only involves the surgery with the implant of the prosthesis.

Types of osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis of the knee
Osteoarthritis of the knee is also called and deformation arthrosis) of the knee. The progression of oa delivery of pain and thereafter deforms the knee with a possible increase in the volume and the inflammatory life-threatening.
The athletes in the result of regular loads of knees can develop the so-called osteoarthritis that affects the joint of the knee, pain is felt in the affected part of the knee, the knee cup is the sharpening of the edges). By the pains that must be gnashing, and clicking of the joint.
Osteoarthritis of the hip
It also bears the name of dysplastic. This type of osteoarthritis difficult flowing and moves faster than other types of this disease, leading to disability. The defeat of one of hip unilateral osteoarthritis) can bring with it the defeat of the second (two faces of osteoarthritis). With high probability, available released arthrosis in the hip joints will cause the defeat of the knee and spine. It is observed lameness, shortening of the limb of it aches, the cracking, the atrophy of the muscles femoral.
uncovertebral osteoarthritis
When uncovertebra suffers from osteoarthritis cervical joint.
In addition to these factors, with the emergence of the diseases of the joints, the causes of the uncovertebra of osteoarthritis can be load in the cervical region, the osteochondrosis (degeneration of the vertebrae, cartilage, intervertebral discs and the tissues), an intervertebral hernia (protrusion, the protrusion of a disc of the spine).
Osteoarthritis in the joint of the cervical spine is accompanied by a decrease in the cartilage tissue, the board and the deformation of appendages in the cervical region, a reduction of the space, the growth of bone tissue in jars in the consequence of restricted space in the cervical region, compression of the nerve root and the contraction and the spinnomozgovogo of the channel.
To uncovertebral arthrosis are characteristic of the manifestation of a headache, neck pain, dizziness, vomiting, tenderness in the neck or the sensations of shivers in this area, the increase of the blood pressure.

Osteoarthritis of the crotalus of the joint (tmj)
Tmj – temporo-maxillary articulation. The joint is closer to the ear, between the jaw and the temple from both sides of the skull. The cartilage crotalus of the joint is not as strong as in other connections, so that his defeat causes a tremendous pain. A common disease among people older than 50 years suffer mostly women. The consequence of osteoarthritis of the tmj is the difficulty in the grinding of food with an armbar with syndrome of impairment of hearing, pain during the conversation. In this case, the causes of osteoarthritis are the change in the bite, congenital anomalies of the jaw, jaw injury, stress, poor dental health, the dismantling of the teeth, in patients of advanced age. By the movement of the jaw, is published in a click and creak, when you try to open the mouth the jaw may move to one side.
Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint
This type of osteoarthritis is more rare, the rest of species of the disease, as well as the pressure in the elbow is almost negligible. The presence of inflammation at the site of the location of the arthritis is swollen and red, this clicking, crackling, crunching the movement of the hand, painful syndrome slightly increases the temperature of the body.
Osteoarthritis of the foot
This type of osteoarthritis also bears the name of coxarthrosis. Disease of the ankle joint is characterized by an increase in fatigue when walking, swelling (when you connect to inflammation in the process), armbar syndrome (particularly at night). Go on a hike man, you feel clicking in the joint of the ankle. When coxarthrosis damages refer to the joint, muscles, tendons, nerves, and blood vessels. The weakening of the tendons of the called subluxation of the joint (articular surface partially touching). The dislocacin joint guidance of the ends of the completely disagree.
The symptoms of osteoarthritis
In the initial phases of osteoarthritis, the symptoms may not bother you, but beyond the disease increases of revolutions, and manifest the first and the follow-up of the signs. The main symptom of osteoarthritis is pain in the place of the injury (in the jaw and the neck, the shoulders, the back, the elbows, the wrists, the fingers of the hands and of the feet, knees, hip and joints of the feet). The pain are dull of nature, but with a severe course of the disease are intensified and become unbearable. The main symptoms of osteoarthritis:
- the launch pad of pain (joint stiffness after sleep or rest, that happens during the day);
- manual of pain (occurs after the work activity, the burden of work, running, exercises, walks);
- of night pain (venous stasis leads to pain in the middle of the night);
- depends on the weather conditions (the weather changes exacerbate the condition);
- the crunch, crunch, crunch or generic of clicks in the joint;
- the limited mobility;
- the deformation of the affected joints;
- cramps, unpleasant muscle cramps;
- the lameness;
- the redness and swelling at the site of the affected joint (the complement, inflammation).
The diagnosis of osteoarthritis
Self-diagnosis of osteoarthritis ' do not put. With afflictive pain, the popping in the knee, you should first consult your doctor. He will look at the patient and direct the medical, orthopedic, orthopedist, a rheumatologist, the surgeon or nevrologu.
Osteoarthritis diagnosed by the orthopedic physician. Before you see the doctor collects the history information (information about the patient, about hereditary or chronic diseases), and makes the inspection. Then, the patient is led through the survey.
Laboratory tests
In the diagnosis of osteoarthritis may require such analysis:
- the general analysis of blood (blood removal with the finger);
- biochemical analysis of blood (rheumatology of the test, the extraction of blood from a vein);
- analysis of urine;
- the analysis of synovial fluid or puncture of the joint of the patient (extraction by means of the insertion of the needle into the joint).
System diagnostic tools
Radiography is the study will show the stage of the osteoarthritis, small changes in the structure of the joint and deformation with x-rays. Before performing the test the patient must be removed from the decoration, so as not to distort the result in the image. You must remove the clothing with the part of the body will be evaluated if it is an x-ray of the knee, it is necessary to remove the pants; the plaster is removed). Then, the doctor says, what position you should take pictures of the sick of the plot. At the time of diagnosis the patient is served lead paraffin apron adductor and of the area of the thyroid gland, apron, prevent the passage to these places of x-rays. Then take the photo.
Rays pass through soft tissue, but is absorbed hard (bones, teeth). Therefore, soft fabric in the x-ray image is obtained is dark colored and solid fabric clear. X – rays- the best method of diagnosis of the bone tissue, as well as in the images show the bones and joints.
In ct (computerized tomography) is a diagnostic method of x-ray that shows the authority, the bones or the tissue in the cutting of the usual techniques. The ct scan is performed, if the x-ray is not enough informative and accurate of the osteoarthritis is not possible to determine. The procedure is carried out in a few minutes. The patient lies on a table, after you remove the clothes and ornaments of metal. Then, the ring of detectors (scanner) rotates around the lying patient, and make photos. Being in fitness is needed still.
Mri (magnetic resonance imaging) is a diagnostic method to x-ray. Is different from that of ct that distinguishes the soft tissue, but does not distinguish between the presence of calcium in the bones, unlike the tc, which examines in detail the bone tissue. The magnetic resonance imaging osteoarthritis was assigned for more information about the state of the nearby tissue or to study the underlying cause of the disease. Diagnosis by magnetic resonance imaging are expensive, but informative.

Ultrasound (ultrasonography) – insurance of a non-invasive method, without exposure to harmful substances and potentially dangerous. The doctor takes the sensor the problems of the area and on the screen shows the internal structure of the joint. This method of diagnosis of osteoarthritis affordable, reliable, and complete.
Osteoarthritis has a good prognosis, if it is the life of the patient, the disease is not fatal, but complications can lead to disability. However, the full treatment of the osteoarthritis is not possible, as well as with the age of destruction is faster than that of the restoration of the places. The disease progresses slowly and can develop over decades. To detect the early symptoms of osteoarthritis can be delayed the more the deformation and disorder of the function of the joint with the treatment still in an initial phase.
The prevention of the
Often, as a result of the heterogeneous, unnecessary burdens suffer the knee and the hips, so it is necessary to count with weights and get rid of excess weight, if any, for the joints to function fully and in harmony.