The osteochondrosis of cervical symptoms and treatment at home

The osteochondrosis of cervical is associated with the violation of the processes of change in the area of the neck, the deterioration of the state of the muscles and the vertebrae. To avoid the development of the disease doctors recommend the use of a set of activities, which includes medication, a variety of exercises, the feed adjustment, massage, physiotherapy.

the osteochondrosis of cervical

How to heal the neck of the osteochondrosis in the house of exercises of the

The first thing that you must remember to osteochondrosis cervical, – the prohibition of any physical activity in the neck in a period of exacerbation of the disease. Only when there is a remission of the animals gradually include exercises with small amplitude. As you improve the state of charge level can be increased.

The average duration of the execution of a complex of exercises of 10 minutes. All movements must be done in the case of the absence of pain. Soft and elegant, the load on the muscles alternating with relaxation. It is recommended to repeat the resort gym every day. Initial position for each of the exercises: to adopt the position of standing or sitting, the posture should be direct.

The main group of exercises:

  • Gently fold the ear toward the right shoulder. Right the palm of the hand to put in the left temple. Now the head slowly back to the normal position, exerting with the hand a little resistance. There is No pain should not be. Repeat the exercise towards the other side.
  • Try to reach from the chin to the collarbone. The most stretched position, take 2 to 5 seconds.
  • The tilt of the head down, from the hand-crossing in the lock and put in the back of the head. Try to return to the head in the looking ahead the situation, helping hands of the resistance. The head does not crush the hands. The duration of a approach of 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Each exercise should have 10 repetitions. The hotel is the perfect setting for the prevention of degenerative disc disease and for the recovery of the mobility of the neck in the phase of remission. Regular training, will result in the tone of the muscles weakened.

How to cure osteochondrosis cervical in the home of the diet

The adjustment of the power of the osteochondrosis cervical, should be sent to the recovery of cartilage tissue. In the diet to osteochondrosis should include the following foods and nutrients:

  • chondroprotectors in sufficient quantity contained in the jelly, gelatin and agar-african americans;
  • calcium can be obtained from dairy products, legumes, salad leaves and almond. Remember that for the quality of the assimilation of this mineral requires vitamin D;
  • the manganese may be taken from the onion, legumes, egg yolks, cheese, and nuts;
  • source of magnesium, which is vital for a correct functioning of the whole organism, are the avocado, sunflower seeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds;
  • phosphorus the body assimilates well fish, soy, peas, bran and cabbage;
  • b vitamins are found in legumes, dairy products and nuts;
  • the vitamin To digest raw eggs, squash, cantaloupe and carrots;
  • vitamin C can be obtained from all the citrus and some fruits;
  • vitamin D is easier to get a stroll under the sun. Our body generates its own. On cloudy days and the winter of the best way to add in the diet of egg products, algae and the fish of the sea.
pain in the neck

To quench the body of all necessary nutrients, in the period of recovery is necessary to qualitatively diversify the diet. In addition to the components of the diet, in the diet of the osteochondrosis it is necessarily necessary to include a large amount of liquid, namely the water clean. All tea and coffee, doctors recommend to replace the water filter without gas.

The diet recommended to eliminate salty foods, it is best to go to a salt-free diet. Salt in violation of the provision of cells with nutrients, which is very dangerous to the osteochondrosis.

The sugar and the sweet also under the ban, the only exception will be the honey. These products to perturb the metabolism in the intervertebral discs.

Canned goods, semi-finished products, soft drinks and tonic drinks – all of this is expressly forbidden for the osteochondrosis of cervical. These products are washed off the calcium from the bones, causing complications of the disease.

The treatment of degenerative disc disease, cervical in the home of a massage

A massage to the uterus osteochondrosis – element effective for the therapy of the disease. Systematic massage treatments can reduce or eliminate the pain and spasms. Thanks to the stimulation of certain zones of the cervical region, normalizes the blood circulation in the affected section of the spine.

Distinguish 3 types of massage:

  • Massage neck area.
  • Bitmap.
  • Self-massage.

The most effective is considered to be the promotion of the nuchal translucency. Performs the function of a massage therapist the person the procedure begins with gentle strokes. Then, you have to pass by the ribs of the palms along the spine to the chest, well worked enslaved plots. The final stage of the massage are circular kneading motion.

Massage consists in the exposure of a series of points. The practice came from chinese medicine. Good effect of the anesthesia to the osteochondrosis of the neck, provides pressure about the following points:

  • under the occipital of the hill of the deepening of the nadavlivanie in the period of 5 – 20 seconds;
  • retire-to-2 fingers of the mastoid process and compress for 5 – 10 seconds;
  • from the first point of fold 3 fingers and press for 5 – 10 seconds;
  • find 7 vrtebra and have at it the pressure impact.

Self-massage is similar to the technique of the stimulation of the neck in the matter, only in this case, the person return by themselves, without the help of anyone. The advantage of the method is to control the pain and strength at the same time.

The combination of all the methods of treatment of degenerative disc disease, cervical fast way to get good results of the therapy. To minimize the risk of exacerbation of the doctors advise to do gymnastics, with a correct diet, self-massage on a permanent basis.

the treatment of the methods of

How to treat neck osteochondrosis in the home

Symptoms and treatment of degenerative disc disease, cervical in the home is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Collar of the osteochondrosis — pathology is that it affects the spinal discs in the cervical vertebrae. The most skilful and maximum prone to the disease of the departments are c5, c6 and c7.

Testimonials from doctors

The referred to condition is can lead to complications such as parasynovitis or neck osteochondrosis. The appearance of pain in the shoulder demonstrates jamming the nerve roots in the 4th and 5th vertebrae. In the initial phase of shoulder osteochondrosis is manifested through the pain of the aches and pains that arise in the night. These pain sensations slowly intensified, spreading on the hands or neck.

The osteochondrosis of the shoulder can be cured with an integrated approach. Symptoms and treatment for any disease are always related with one another. The main symptoms of degenerative disc disease neck are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Reflexes — acute and acute pains in the neck, the increase in the movement time. These pains also known as a shot.
  2. Root — pain, caused by the pressure of the nerve endings. They are manifested in different areas of the body or internal organs.

Patients who suffer from degenerative disc disease cervical, experience pressing head pain that can be applied in the area of the temporal lobes or eyeballs. It is possible to decreased visual acuity, and dizziness. The irritation of a nerve plexus may be the cause of the development of the syndrome of the vertebral artery. You can mistakenly identify as errors in the cerebral circulation, which are accompanied by vertigo.

The osteochondrosis of cervical observed a loss of orientation in combination with nausea or vomiting. To the sick of the band to the neck of the osteochondrosis are cardiac, seizure (convulsions). The data of the manifestation of osteochondrosis occur with other signs, therefore, easy to distinguish from the symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The methods of the therapy

The treatment of degenerative disc disease, cervical in the home will quickly be carried out in several stages. Previously first aiders . For this reason it is recommended to follow the following steps:

  1. In the first 24 hours to the case section can be applied the ice, but this must be done after the consultation of a doctor. In all other cases, the patient may wraps wool with a handkerchief.
  2. Sleeping on hard surfaces. Recommended not to lie down on the floor so does not chill the affected area.
  3. If the disease is localized in the area of the cervical vertebra , it must immobilize the neck, placing cotton-cardboard bus.
  4. Before the consultation with the doctor, you can take a pain reliever.

The osteochondrosis of the neck is a serious disease and requires gradual, symptomatic treatment. Outpatient and home treatment of osteochondrosis of cervical are not mutually exclusive, as they have the same orientation of the action. The main objectives of the therapy of osteochondrosis of the house are:

  1. Removal of painful sensations.
  2. The stimulation of the metabolism in the cervical vertebrae.
  3. Strengthening of the muscle tissues in the neck and shoulders.
  4. The stabilisation of the circulation of the blood in the brain.
  5. The return of sensitivity and the improvement of the mobility of the spine in the cervical region and upper extremity.
  6. The elimination of negative emotions and sleep problems.

Medical therapy

treatment in the home

How to treat neck osteochondrosis of the house with the use of drugs? To eliminate the pain and inflammatory processes apply analgesic of the tool. Use chondroprotectors — the drugs, the suspension of the destruction of cartilage tissue that facilitate your order.

The treatment of osteochondrosis of cervical in the home that can be carried out with the application of ointments and creams. The active substances included in their composition, are not as effective. This is because they do not arrive at the affected area. However, they are not useless, since its use is done the massage beneficial effect on the cervical vertebrae. The drafting of this disease is assigned to the vitamins or preparations of impact.

Methods of non-drug therapy

Before you treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine non-drug methods, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. Such techniques include:

  • acupuncture;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • the medical complex exercise;
  • therapeutic massage;
  • the practice of chiropractic.

In some cases, massage has a greater impact than that of the drugs. Are invited to the relaxation of muscles, relieve pain, improve circulation of the blood and of the processes of change in the spinal column. Exercise the osteochondrosis of cervical treatment in the home with the help of massage should specialist.

Procedure must be done with the fingers of the hands. The rule of massage: the movements must be soft and slow, without the application of force. The rubbing and stroking must be performed by the direction of the spine to the back of the head. Their movements soft, you can knead the sides and rear of the neck muscles. The procedure should be done in a sitting position, supporting the left leg to the right , placing the knee, the elbow of the hand. In this posture you can perform the massage motion with the free hand, for 10 minutes. As you do this, you can know by watching the video above.

Acupuncture and gymnastics


Before trying to collar the osteochondrosis of acupuncture, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. This procedure is carried out in the home with the expert help of the accessories (hand massager). In these appliances are used alone or as pairs of plastic needles of the mats. For added convenience, you can look at the cervical spine roller. Act every day, for 30 minutes.

You can try to collar the osteochondrosis at home with the help of special exercises. To do this, it is recommended to perform slow turns of the head 360°, pressing the chin toward the chest, bowing the head down is a player. When the patient performs the exercise, run the following muscle groups:

  • neck;
  • of the upper extremities;
  • of the lower extremities.

Each element of medical gymnastics should run without problems, and serene, with interruptions in a few seconds. If during the activity, produce the sensations of pain, it is recommended to leave gymnastics.

How to get rid of sheyno-mother of the osteochondrosis at home?

Get rid of sheyno-mother of the osteochondrosis at home can not, the cartilage, the intermediate layer between the vertebrae are not completely susceptible of recovery. If you detect the disease and start the treatment of the osteochondrosis, you will suspend development.

Sufficient treatment in the early stages of the development of the pathology is, when the gentle exercise, procedures to resolve the symptoms, improve the general condition. If sheyno-chest of osteochondrosis is not corrected in the home, it is necessary to visit a doctor, to adjust the treatment or find another therapy.

honey in the treatment of

Start of therapy sheyno-maternal department can do damage

If the state of the spinal column to the osteochondrosis deteriorate, warp is aggravated, it produces dizziness, difficulty breathing, and shortness of breath, a severe pain torments — pathology is enters the complex stage of development.

You must keep the treatment in the home and go to a hospital. The delay increases the risk of splicing of the vertebrae, which has to be solved surgically. Ignore the signs of the degenerative disc disease would lead to the development of serious complications. Treatment in the home when it exacerbates the state to postpone until the period of remission.