Cervical osteochondrosis is the ossification of the vertebrae in the neck. The bone tissue begins to squeeze the blood vessels and nerve endings. To diagnose cervical osteochondrosis, you need to see a neurologist.
What is the danger of cervical osteochondrosis
Many patients complain of headaches and neck pain at the same time. Patients should choose a certain position in which the pain subsides or appears less severe. This is not always comfortable, so performance decreases.
With the course of the disease, a bulge of the disc develops, the intervertebral tissues are destroyed and the spaces diminish. In the later stage of the disease, the disc completely collapses and connective tissue forms in its place. Because of this, the patient develops a mobility limitation: for example, they cannot turn or tilt their head.
If osteochondrosis in the cervical spine is not treated in time, it can lead to compression of the spinal cord, disability and paralysis.
When the load on the neck increases, the muscle tissue causes a spasm. This can happen due to:
- overweight;
- crooked posture;
- a sedentary lifestyle;
- physical damage to the spine;
- metabolic disorders;
- intense physical activity;
- frequent stressful situations;
- inheritance;
- staying in an awkward position for a long time;
- frequent tension of the back and neck muscles. For example, while driving;
- abnormal development of the cervical spine;
- improper diet;
- hypothermia of the neck;
- diseases that cause the degenerative process of cartilage.
A patient with back pain, neck pain and headache should remember that this type of pain is not just a neurological symptom. This can be a symptom of some related diseases. If we take neck pain, it can be caused by diseases of the thyroid gland, lymphoid tissue or lymph nodes at the cervical level.
In the initial stage, there are:
- painful sensations in the cervical and occipital spine, which can radiate to the area of the shoulders and upper extremities;
- weakness of the arm muscles;
- painful sensations when turning the head;
- chronic fatigue;
- dizziness attacks;
- blurred vision;
- hearing impairment;
- creaking when moving head;
- disorientation in space;
- migraine attacks.
Other symptoms may appear later:
- neurotic disorders: feeling anxious due to poor blood circulation in the brain;
- sleep disturbance;
- fainting;
- dots in front of the eyes;
- nausea and vomiting;
- pain in the arms at night;
- paralysis of the facial muscles;
- numbness of the shoulder muscles.
There are several cervical osteochondrosis syndromes.
Cervical osteochondrosis radicular syndrome. It occurs when the nerve root is pinched. At the same time, the elasticity of the skin decreases, swelling appears. Painful sensations extend from the neck to the forearm and then to the arms. An additional symptom is a tingling sensation.
Cervical osteochondrosis vertebral artery syndrome. It spreads to the occipital and temporal regions and is accompanied by constant stabbing pain. The patient feels even more discomfort after being in an uncomfortable position for a long time. In addition, the patient's hearing and vision deteriorate, fainting and nausea may occur.
Cervical migraine syndrome. Sympathetic ganglia are irritated, blood circulation is impaired. Hypertension can develop. Additional symptoms are congestion and ringing in the ears.
Cervical osteochondrosis hypertensive syndrome. It is characterized by an increase in pressure in the arterial vessels. Painful sensations have an explosive character. Patients complain of nausea. Body temperature may rise.
Stages of development of cervical osteochondrosis
The progression of the disease occurs in 4 stages.
- In the first stage, mild symptoms. There is slight muscle tension and pain. That is, the neck muscles tire faster than in a healthy state.
- In the second stage, a bulge develops and the distance between the vertebrae decreases. The process of destruction of the fibrous ring begins. Patient performance deteriorates.
- In the third stage, the symptoms of the disease worsen. The patient is in constant pain. Numbness of muscle tissue and hernia progression is possible. The patient's joints and movements are stiff.
- In the fourth stage, the intervertebral disc is destroyed and connective tissue is formed in its place. The patient has more frequent attacks of dizziness and coordination problems.
If the disease is not cured quickly, complications may appear:
- herniated intervertebral disc;
- bulge;
- cervicocranialgia;
- osteophytes;
- compression of arterial channels;
- radiculopathy;
- chronic pain.
Cervical osteochondrosis is diagnosed by a neurologist. You may also need the advice of a vertebrologist, endocrinologist, oncologist, orthopedist, traumatologist, or neurosurgeon.
The doctor asks the patient about the symptoms, determines the mobility of the neck, checks reflexes, sensitivity and muscle tension. After that, the diagnoses are made: X-ray, computation or MRI.
Column X-ray. A neurologist assesses the condition, structure, and displacement of the vertebrae in the cervical spine. Determine the decrease in intervertebral distances and the size of the spinal canal. In addition, the doctor can detect inflammatory and tumor lesions, osteophyte growth, curvature of the spine, and other changes. To obtain an enlarged image, photographs are taken in two projections: direct and side, with or without contrast. If necessary, appoint additional oblique views, functional tests.
Computed tomography (CT). More informative examination method compared to radiography. With the help of CT, the cause of compression of the spinal cord, infections, tumors, traumatic injuries is determined, the state of the bone structures of the spine is studied. By scanning the cervical spine, longitudinal and transverse sections of the vertebrae are obtained in the anteroposterior and lateral views. If a contrast medium is used in cases of difficult diagnosis, the cost of the procedure increases by 30-40%.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It outperforms radiography and computed tomography in terms of the informative value of studying the state of soft tissues. The spinal column is scanned to identify oncological, tumor, trauma, and degenerative-dystrophic causes of cervical osteochondrosis. The study assesses the condition of the intervertebral joints and soft tissues, as well as the blood supply to the spinal cord. The procedure is performed in the transverse or vertical planes, sometimes with the introduction of a contrast medium.
Other hardware research methods. To exclude vertebral artery syndrome in cervical osteochondrosis, a duplex scan of the arteries of the head and neck, MRI imaging of the vessels of the brain and neck are performed.
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis
The basis of rehabilitation therapy are physical therapy exercises, massages, reflexology, acupuncture and other physical therapy.
Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis
Exercises for osteochondrosis of the neck are selected individually, depending on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body. For example, your doctor may recommend the following exercise program:
- Slow rotation of the head in a circle, 10 times in both directions;
- raise the head, torso and back from a prone position, while the hands rest on the floor and the back remains straight;
- turns head left and right while lying down until ear touches ground;
- press with the palms of the hands on the forehead and with the forehead on the palm for 30 seconds and the same amount with the hands together at the back of the head.
Manual therapy for cervical osteochondrosis
Treatment with manual therapy relieves muscle tension and joint blockage, relieves pain, restores the capacities of the muscle-joint apparatus. The doctor assesses the state of the muscles, determines the pain points and the degree of jumping of the spinal joint. Furthermore, through active and passive hand movements, it affects damaged tendons, ligaments and muscles. Treatment with manual therapy is contraindicated during the period of acute inflammation and instability of the vertebrae.
Acupuncture for cervical osteochondrosis is performed using sterile needles, which are inserted into preselected points at different depths and left for a specified time. The needles are chosen very fine to minimize discomfort. The procedure relieves pain, activates microcirculation, normalizes metabolic processes, improves overall health and increases the effectiveness of drug treatment.
Kinesio Tapes
It involves the imposition of an elastic bandage in the shape of the letter Y on the neck-neck area, maintaining the mobility of the neck. Cervical osteochondrosis tapes relieve pain, inhibit inflammation, and support the paravertebral muscles.
Orthopedic collars
A collar for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is needed in the acute period of the disease. It fixes bones and joints, relieving stress on the affected segment. The collar also corrects the position of deformed vertebrae and skeletal bones, relieves pain.
Depending on the degree of fixation, orthopedic collars are of various types:
- Soft splint (Shantz neck). This product is made of dense and elastic polyurethane foam in a fabric cover with a velcro closure, buttons or plastic zippers. Can be used to adjust neck volume. A soft splint is worn from 2 weeks to 4 months, after every two hours of use, you need to take a break;
- inflatable necklace. It consists of a dense and flexible material. The course of treatment depends on the stage of osteochondrosis. In the first days, it is recommended to wear a necklace for five minutes twice a day, gradually increasing the time to 30 minutes. An inflatable collar is used to prevent cervical osteochondrosis;
- semi-rigid neck. The semi-rigid neck corset is made of polyurethane with a back closure. Compared to a soft splint, it supports the neck more firmly. It comes in various sizes;
- stiff neck. Made of thermoplastic material with front and rear calipers. It is manufactured to individual sizes and is recommended for use throughout the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.
Massage for cervical osteochondrosis
In the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the classic manual massage of the cervical collar area is used. The impact on the muscles and ligaments strengthens the muscle corset and increases muscle performance. The massage also has a lymphatic drainage, relaxing and analgesic effect.
During the massage, the patient lies face down with the chin pressed against the chest. The arms should be bent at the elbows, the forehead should touch the hands, and the neck muscles should be relaxed.
Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is:
- drug electrophoresis. Under the influence of electrical current, the drug enters the injury site;
- magnetic therapy. Activates blood flow through vessels, initiates metabolic processes, reduces swelling and relieves pain;
- ultrasound. Reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings, restores damaged nerve fibers, provides anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
- diadynamic currents. Reduces swelling, pain and inflammation, improves trophism of tissues, stimulates muscles and nerve fibers.
Medications for cervical osteochondrosis
Modern medicine is trying to get away from drugs. Some medications are very difficult and can adversely affect the health of the patient. If you cannot do without drug treatment, then use a selected complex of various drugs, including:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They relieve pain, swelling and inflammation of the damaged nerve root. Most of the time these are ointments and medications for oral administration. Analgesic injections are prescribed for cervical osteochondrosis if treatment with pills has no effect;
- vitamins of group B. They improve metabolic processes in nervous tissue;
- chondroprotectors. Restore bone and cartilage tissue, restrict degenerative and dystrophic changes;
- muscle relaxants. Relieve muscle tension, relax muscles;
- vasodilators, angioprotectors, nootropics. Expands blood vessels, improves microcirculation, restores nutrition to damaged nerve endings.
Other treatments
The specialized neurological care course for cervical osteochondrosis includes other treatment methods:
- laser therapy. It has an anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, lymphatic drainage, antimicrobial, immunostimulating effect;
- restorative physical culture. Restores the function of the spine, strengthens the muscles of the back and neck, improves the general physical condition, prevents the development of complications;
- Shock wave therapy for cervical osteochondrosis. By acting on the tissues with acoustic waves, it reduces pain, increases blood flow and metabolism, has anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects;
- surgical intervention. It involves removal of formations that cause narrowing of the spinal canal, laser reconstruction of the disc, replacement of the damaged disc with an implant, stabilization of the spine.
Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis
It will be possible to avoid complications and prevent the development of pathology by following the following recommendations:
- exercise daily, such as swimming;
- eat more foods with calcium and magnesium;
- with sedentary work, do neck exercises once an hour;
- use an orthopedic pillow to sleep;
- take a hot shower every day;
- avoid hypothermia;
- quit alcoholic beverages, smoking and drugs;
- don't practice bodybuilding;
- avoid strenuous physical activity;
- when carrying heaviness, wear a spinal protective corset;
- control posture;
- undergo preventive examinations.
Which doctor to contact
The disease is treated and diagnosed by a neurologist. The doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment and help eliminate the pain syndrome.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can lymph nodes become swollen with cervical osteochondrosis?
In some cases, the cervical and supraclavicular lymph nodes are swollen, less often the muscles. This is due to compression of the spinal artery and nerve roots by deformed vertebrae, leading to poor blood and lymphatic flow.
2. Can the ears hurt and become blocked with cervical osteochondrosis?
Patients complain of earache, hearing loss. The physiology of the ear, throat, nose, and organs of the visual system is directly related to the correct position of the vertebrae in the cervical spine and their sufficient blood supply.
3. Can cervical osteochondrosis go down the throat?
Sore throat, coma, difficulty swallowing accompany cervical osteochondrosis. This is due to vascular disorders, weakening of blood flow in the basilar and vertebral arteries.
4. How long is cervical osteochondrosis treated?
The duration of treatment for cervical osteochondrosis depends on the stage of the disease. The main task is to stop the changes and prevent complications.